Gas Chromatography: Using science to defend your Ohio DUI / OVI case

For an Ohio OVI defense attorney to defend a blood test case effectively, he or she must be familiar with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, along with Ohio’s OVI law (O.R.C. 4511.19) and the Ohio Administrative Code sections governing the collection, storage, transport and testing of whole blood, blood plasma and/or blood serum specimens. Ohio’s OVI statute specifically mentions amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, phencyclidine, and LSD as illegal controlled substances. A chemical test of urine, whole blood, blood plasma, and/or blood serum must detect a certain amount of each substance in order to sustain a charge. Despite being the most accurate and reliable method of testing, a blood test is also the most invasive.
Law enforcement officers increasingly prefer the blood test because it allows them to expand their suspicions to include illicit and prescription drugs. When the breath test results are under .08% BAC, the blood test may be requested.
A DUI lawyer in Ohio should consider more traditional factual defenses such as a lack of probable cause to suspect drug use before attempting a more scientific challenge on how the blood sample was collected, stored, transported or tested. In the event that the facts support a blood test, your attorney must hold the State responsible for its proof.
The Ohio DUI Guy attorney Patrick Quinn, is a member of the National College for DUI Defense and has attended many training courses and seminars on the subject of gas-liquid chromatography. He is one of very few DUI defense attorneys in Northern Ohio that has the understanding of how this science can be used to defend an Ohio OVI case. The Ohio DUI Guy has devoted himself to understanding and winning through the use of science. Pat Quinn has been exclusively practicing DUI defense for many years in Ohio. Doesn’t it make sense for you to have a lawyer who defends you with the same mentality and methods with which Ohio has been prosecuting OVI / DUI cases?