Cleveland Ohio CDL DUI Defense Attorney

CDL COmmercial drivers
license DUI

Where Experience Meets Integrity

Cleveland DUI CDL Attorneys

Skilled ohio ovi cdl lawyers

If You Are A CDL Driver And Have Been Convicted Of A DUI In Ohio You Will Lose Your CDL And The Ability To Earn A Living For Yourself And Your Family. Contact Quinn Legal Associates If You Have A CDL And Need Help

A commercial driver will be faced with severe penalties if arrested for drunk driving. A normal driver, other than an underage driver, has a legal limit of 0.08 BAC. A CDL driver’s BAC must not be above 0.04. If any amount of alcohol or drugs can be found in your body, you’re going to be removed from the road for 24 hours. Nevertheless, the laws in the State of Ohio have become much more strict, beginning in 2005. Any individual with a commercial drivers license (CDL) may be arrested and charged with driving under the influence and face devastating penalties even if you are driving your personal vehicle. If you are a CDL holder and have been charged with an OVI/DUI your job and livelihood are at risk. At Quinn Legal Associates, we can help you keep driving, keep your job and avoid a disqualification of your CDL.

Cleveland Ohio DUI Attorney
The Ohio DUI Guy Cleveland OVI Lawyer

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experienced ohio ovi attorneys

CDL license holders are subject to a different point system than normal driver license holders. If you are stopped for a DUI and have CDL you must take the breath test. If you refuse you could lose your CDL for 1 year. This is called a disqualification. Disqualification occurs if you are convicted of an OVI, test over the limit, or if you refuse a breath test and it is reported to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. A refusal is reported when an Automotive License Suspension is issued to you. If it is not appealed. The first disqualification is for 1 year. You can get your CDL back after 12 months. If you have a 2nd disqualification, you can lose your CDL for life.

Contact Us, We Will Come to You!

 Contact The Ohio DUI Guy at Quinn Legal Associates. Pat and his team know what to do to protect your CDL commercial drivers license and what can be done to avoid a disqualification.

DUI Law Firm| OVI law firm | cdl dui / ovi Law firm

What Happens to Your CDL or Commercial License if Charged with ohio DUI / OVI

IN NEED OF LEGAL REPRESENTATION from a trusted dui / ovi attorney located in cleveland ohio.